The character Batman was originally created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, and debuted in the 27th issue of the comic book Detective Comics on March 30 1939. This wonderful bear celebrates the 85th Anniversary of this historic moment! This incredible Batman teddy bear has been crafted from the...
Out of Stock - £279.00
Steiff's latest addition to the Snoopy family is this lovely Charlie Brown and Snoopy limited edition set! Charlie Brown has been crafted from velvet, features embroidered eyes, hair and mouth and wears his signature black shorts and yellow zigzag polo shirt. Alongside him stands a wonderful Snoopy made from the...
This beautiful recreation of Duchess from the The Aristocats has been crafted from the finest white mohair. She features exquisitely embroidered eyes, delicate whiskers and pretty pink velvet inner ears and nose. Duchess also has a gorgeous tail, made from extra long mohair, which elegantly wraps around her feet, and...