Donald Duck made his debut in 1934's The Wise Little Hen, which was one of Walt Disney's Silly Symphony cartoons, based on the fable The Little Red Hen. In the cartoon, Donald and his friend Peter Pig try to avoid work by faking stomach aches until Mrs. Hen teaches them...
This beautiful recreation of Duchess from the The Aristocats has been crafted from the finest white mohair. She features exquisitely embroidered eyes, delicate whiskers and pretty pink velvet inner ears and nose. Duchess also has a gorgeous tail, made from extra long mohair, which elegantly wraps around her feet, and...
Inspired by the song "Pink Elephants on Parade", Steiff have created this monochrome Dumbo crafted from the finest baby pink coloured mohair. Dumbo features embroidered eyes and eyebrows and wears his iconic hat and bib made from magenta coloured velvet. Dumbo is limited to only 2,000 pieces and comes with a numbered certificate,...
Disney has just celebrated 100 years of wonder, and to commemorate this impressive milestone anniversary and to further cement their enduring relationship with the company, Steiff have created this fantastic, limited-edition tribute to the first character Walt Disney ever created: Oswald the rabbit. Made from the finest black mohair, Oswald wears a...
The latest piece from Steiff in collaboration with Disney is their incredible Pinocchio. Third in the series, following Jiminy Cricket and Figaro, he is a must have for all lovers of Disney! Pinocchio is a 1940 animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Productions. Based on Carlo Collodi's 1883 children's...
Disney is celebrating 100 years of wonder in 2022 and to commemorate this milestone anniversary and to further cement Steiff's enduring relationship with the company, Steiff have created this fantastic limited edition Platinum version of Disney's iconic character; Mickey Mouse. Made from the finest platinum grey cotton velvet, Mickey wears a...